• A say in decisions that impact your career.
  • A powerful lobbying platform for patient care and safety, and better working conditions for you.
  • Hands on help with drug issues and drug shortages, management support and guidance, helping you administer your environment, audit advice, engagement with funders, patient complaints and guidance etc in both public and private sectors.
  • Representation in policy matters with National and Provincial Departments of health, regulators, funders, administrators and facilities (public and private)
  • Access to subscriptions to one of the world’s premier academic publications, the British Journal of Anaesthesia and exclusive rates to physician-authored global resource Up-To-Date!
  • Access to numerous resources such as the Southern African Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia, clinical guidelines, coding and ethical billing manuals.
  • Ways in which to which to gain access to funding for research and research skills
  • Our weekly newsletter for professional and health environment news
  • Support, mentorship and assistance from SASA’s Wellness in Anaesthesia Support Group.


The SASA subscription year runs from 01 July to 30 June and membership fees are renewable annually by the 31st of July.

Members who join between 01 January to 31 March, 50% of the current fees will be due for that subscription year. Members who join between 01 April and 30 June, 25% of the current years fees will be due for that subscription year. These fees will be due immediately on acceptance of membership application and receipt of invoice.


Physicians and nurses working in anaesthesia are eligible to apply for membership. SASA has a number of membership categories, with different entry criteria, levels of authorisation and fees. Membership may also be deferred, the council may grant discounted membership rates for retired members and the Council may grant discounted membership rates to qualifying members.


Any specialist in anaesthesiology registered with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) is eligible for full membership, provided that it’s not in conflict with the constitution and rules of the South African Medical Association (SAMA). Members of SAMA who hold a higher degree in anaesthesiology but are not registered as anaesthesiologists in South Africa may, at the discretion of the SASA Council, be elected as full members.


SASA, at the discretion of the council, offers associate membership to any qualified medical practitioner of any country that is a current member of the Southern African Development Community, who is interested in the practice or teaching of and research in anaesthesiology, but is not eligible for full membership. An associate member who subsequently registers with the HPCSA as an anaesthesiologist will automatically become a full member.


SASA, at the discretion of the council, offers trainee membership to any registered medical practitioner who occupies a training post in anaesthesiology that is recognised by the HPCSA, or a medical officer post in an academic anaesthesiology department. A trainee member who registers with the HPCSA as an anaesthesiologist will automatically become a full member.


Nurses working in anaesthesia are also eligible to be members. As a SASA member, you will receive access to the secure member section of the website, receive a weekly newsletter as well, the bi-monthly SAJAA and preferential rates to events.

The Malignant Hyperthermia Center of South Africa is dedicated to the prevention and treatment of malignant hyperthermia (MH).